Find Joy, Give Back, Dance Today

Repost of Daily Maverick’s Old soldiers never fade away, they just keep dancing by Everson Luhanga for Scrolla.Africa
Repost of Scrolla Africa Photos

Old Soldiers South Africa

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I am so humbled by these stories of brave men of character who sacrificed greatly. Though they were treated abysmally in return for their honorable service, they persevered and found meaningful ways to contribute to the world around them. At a ripe old age still find purpose and joy in daily life.

Their stories serve as great reminders to me about the importance of not letting the behavior of others stop me from trying to make the world a better place. From my perspective, these gentlemen's secrets to longevity are their faith, their future-focused perseverance, their building and sustaining of family and community and their lifestyles of celebration.

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